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NSDF is not the best solution.


We need your support !

Photo: Glenda Stevens and Eagle Staff Carrier Luc Goupil Kitigan Zibi Anishinaabeg, July 10, 2024.

Millions of Canadians rely on the Ottawa River as a source of drinking water, and we believe in protecting the future of the Kichi Sibi for all Canadians.

In Algonquin territory, Chalk River Laboratories Ontario Canada has contaminated groundwater, lakes, and the Ottawa River without Algonquin Anishinaabeg people's consent since the 1950s. Kebaowek First Nation has recently brought a judicial review on grounds related to both the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) and the United Nations Declaration Act (2021). The application seeks review of a January 2024 decision of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission which approved a license amendment for Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ Near Surface Nuclear Waste Disposal Facility next to the Ottawa River. The decision of the Commission violates Kebaowek's rights as recognized by the UN Declaration - particularly Kebaowek's request for free, prior, and informed consent regarding hazardous waste storage on Algonquin unceded territory.

"This nuclear waste facility will damage the water and we all know that.Conscientious people are rising. We must rise together, we are all in that medicine wheel. No matter our colour,

our creed or our title, we are all related in the human family andwe must stand together."


We cannot stop the thunder. We cannot stop the rain from falling. We cannot stop the lightning from shining. We cannot stop the rivers from flowing. But together as human beings, as brothers and sisters, we can certainly stop thenuclear waste facility from coming here on the Ottawa River."



Claudette Commanda,

Algonquin Elder, August 10, 2023


Health Threats

"When we put radioactivity in the water we drink, we expose millions of people. Even if the level of exposure is very low, it exposes a lot of people to these radioactive cancer-causing agents." Dr. Gordon Edwards Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility,

Irreversible Harm to Ottawa River Watershed



© Original Artwork by Destiny Cote, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

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"It's not only a First Nation issue, it's a human issue and we are doing this on behalf of our people and all Canadians who depend on the Ottawa River as their drinking water source."

Chief Lance Haymond, Kebaowek First Nation


Million Kubikmeter + Atommüll


Kilometer vom Kichi Sibi entfernt




Jahre institutioneller Kontrolle

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NSDF stieß bei
der letzten behördlichen Anhörung auf Widerstand

Am Donnerstag, den 10. August 2023, legten drei Algonquin-Gemeinschaften – Kebaowek First Nation, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg und Barriere Lake First Nation – ihre letzten Argumente vor zwei Mitgliedern der Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) vor. Den Algonquins war es nicht gestattet, sich persönlich vor den Kommissaren zu präsentieren.



7 Lehren und das NSDF-Projekt

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So helfen Sie

Schließen Sie sich den engagierten Mitgliedern unserer Gemeinschaftsbewegung an, die sich dafür einsetzen, den Fluss Kichi Sibi und seine Tierwelt vor den Gefahren des Atommülls zu schützen.

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