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Standing Up for Our Lands, Our Waters, Petition to the Government of Canada

The  “Near Surface Disposal Facility” proposal is a million-cubic-meter mound for
permanent disposal of radioactive waste at the federally owned Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) proposed by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, the privately owned company that operates federal nuclear sites under a contract with the federal crown corporation Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has yet to release its decision on the NSDF Project.


Please sign this petition against a multi-national consortium contract and the Canadian government who are trying to build a massive near surface nuclear disposal facility (NSDF) 1 kilometre from the Kichi Sibi(Ottawa River) without our consent and in violation of our laws. The fight against the waste dump is also part of much bigger story about the historic and continued dumping of toxic radionuclides into our lands and waters where all relations require habitat and drinking water. This project will also see the destruction of 37 hectares of old growth forest and sacred bear den habitats along with other species at risk. This is about all people drawing from our sacred places and relations along the “great river” to say enough is enough. This is a movement about people standing Stronger Together to say the NSDF Nuclear Waste Dump proposal next to our sacred waterway must stop!




First Nations, on whose unceded territory the NSDF would be built, have not provided their free, prior and informed consent for the NSDF project in accordance with Article 29(2) of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

Issue a directive under section 19 (1) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act that the CNSC’s Commission shall make no decision on licensing of a radioactive waste disposal facility in accordance with Canada’s obligations under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Request an International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) ARTEMIS review of CNL’s plans for decommissioning of the Government of Canada’s legacy nuclear facilities and disposal of radioactive waste.

Sign Our Petition - Canadian Citizens Only

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